Get your Compost on!


Compost, it’s nature’s way of recycling and one of the easiest (and I think fun!) ways to have a greener home. Turn your food scraps, leaves, grass clippings, paper, cardboard – toilet rolls, cereal boxes, tissue boxes, into nutritious compost that your plants will love.

It’s way easier than you’d ever imagined if you follow a few of our simple tips below:

  • Layering the green matter (food scraps, coffee grinds + grass clippings) and brown matter (cardboard, paper, leaves) like a giant lasagne will work a treat!

  • Turn and water your compost every few weeks so it’s slightly damp.

  •  A mix of water + molasses will really give it a good kickstart and get all the good bacteria on board 

  •  Skip meat, dairy and cooked food as it might attract pesky pests. We’ve found small amounts of citrus + onion is OK but avoid loads.

  • The compost will take around 3 months to break down. So we have two bins on the go, one we are digging up and using on the garden and the other we are filling up and it works out perfectly.

Digging up that rich, yummy compost and putting your veggie patch is a very satisfying thing to do! Not to mention you save yourself a trip to Bunnings and $ by making your own.

If you’ve got a small space or apartment check out Bokashi kit that will fit under your kitchen sink. You’ll still feel bad wasting food but certainly not as bad as if it’s going to the tip where apparently biodegradable items are ‘mummified’ in between all the other crap, shock horror.

Will you give it a go? What good tips have we missed?


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